Chris, I mounted the (2) qs-8s with the bottom of the cabinet being 7 ft. off the floor, this was by direct conversation with Joe at Axiom, this is on 8ft. ceilings which seemed a little high to me. Also I have a 96" couch flush with the wall of the qs-8s. I was again told to seperate them about 1 ft. from the armrests of the couch. The wall is 18 ft. long, couch dead center, but the room is only 10ft. deep. So that may change some things. However, my girlfriend said they looked stupid way up there. I have them now mounted, cabinet bottom 5.5 ft. from floor and 30" from armrests, in my opinion (my ear) they sound much better, it may be room dimensions, but they look and sound better for what it's worth. Jon

Sunfire amps & processor Sammy 50" Crown amp 2-SVS SS Maple Ultras, Axiom 60s,22s,150cc, QS8s