BigWill - which Onkyo amp did you borrow from 2x6?

I've been thinking about picking up a 2 channel amp and am somewhat budget constrained as well.

I saw this amp at J&R and was wondering if it might be similar to the one you were borrowing.

I would love to get that Rotel amp Wid recommended, an Audiosource Amp Two, or perhaps a set of Outlaw monoblocks, but I'm not sure I can stretch above $150 at this moment. I'm just looking to power a zone 2 so that I can free up my Denon's 6th & 7th channels, so anything above 80 watts probably wouldn't be necessary. Although upgrading my M22's to M60's has crossed my mind.

I'm sick. Somebody help me before I start spending the kids' college fund...