After 8 months with a home theater system, we just upgraded to HDTV cable. It is a huge improvement but it has raised several questions:

Our local cable company has boxes that do digital video recording (DVR) with component output, but not DVI output (even though there is a DVI connection on the back of the box and I bought a cable to hook it up) and they also have boxes that have DVI output but no video recording capability. We have settled for the current box, but I am wondering how much better the picture is with DVI compared to component (because I can't really imagine the picture getting much better) - in other words will it be worth my time to upgrade when they get a box that will do DVR with DVI output?

It seems on first impression that the picture and sound of HDTV are slightly better than what I get out of my DVD. Is that supposed to be the case or do I need a better DVD player?

If I digitally record an HD broadcast, when I play it back will it be in HD - are the DVRs that good?

Thanks in advance for any input I get on this.