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It seems on first impression that the picture and sound of HDTV are slightly better than what I get out of my DVD. Is that supposed to be the case or do I need a better DVD player?

If I have my facts correct, current DVDs are not high definition. HD DVD is still a few years off with, as usual, a lot of arguing over what format will be adopted. So it makes perfect sense that HD TV, which is really Hi Def, will look a little better than current DVDs. If the difference is HUGE, you might want to think about a new DVD player, if your current player is an old one.

My current hookup from my cable company is component, not DVI, so I can't tell you if the DVI hookup will be superior. I suspect that it will be, but how much, I cannot say. When hooking up via DVI you avoid a digital - to analog - back to digital conversion, by keeping the signal, in the digital domain. Each conversion has the potential of degrading the signal, so the fewer the better.

I hope I have my facts straight. If not, someone will straighten me out.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton