nice post but I got you're point awhile ago......but what company gives out current specs? I think all in all if the receiver company says 6 ohm that means don't go lower than 6 ohm because that receiver dose not have the current in the power supply to be stable.ofcourse they don't want to admit it.I mailed Onkyo on this subject awhile ago and they said although our receivers are tested under a 6 ohm load 4 ohm speakers should be fine.basicly the same response Axiom basicly said so it all falls on a "fickel" protective mode circuit or a system that was designed specificly for a given load.just like engines you need to match the power suply to the speakers or load.lets say I build a 340 to pull 11's in a duster that weighs 2200 pounds well you can't put that system in a 3500 pound cuda and expect it to even come would need a big block to meet or exceed that but you also have a nicer car.