Ahh, the plot thickens.. Ok, two drivers, one box.. Will the effect be the same (or close) to that of two subs located in two different locations within the room ? I don't know why I never really gave this much thought before? I'm a firm believer of multi subs within the same room, but finding a nice out of the way place for two cabinets has been a chore.. Hit me over the head with a 2 x 4, eh ?
I also agree that two smaller subs are better in most cases, than one or even two larger ones.. Quality of product being the deciding factor here.. Those mega buck subs are sweet, but down here in the real world, must of us have to beg borrow n beg some more (read wife here) just to keep the lights running in the old home theater, right ?
One last point: You have only one amp, driving one cone, with the 2nd being passive, correct ? Wouldn't you have a bit more to work with given two amps ? Or does the passive set up meet most of those demands ?
Thanks in advance for any additional imput on this..

LFE ! The rest is just details..