Measure... nope. I have played numourous titles and it did not give me the same my old Mirage did. Maybe the Mirage had a bass hump in the 30-60 range and fooled my ears that it seemed louder and deeper. Noticed it in the Pod race scene and in Jurassic Park 3 and the VTF2 did not give me the same punch. MAybe the VTF2 was not configured properly for my setup. I just moved the VTF2 exactly where the Mirage used to be. Maybe it was where it was located...maybe it is because I have 17 ft ceilings and the room open to the Kitchen so the bass tried to cover a big cubic space...I dunno. In the end it was sold.
Soo I want to make sure the next sub purchase is what I plan to stay with for at least 4-6 years or longer.