As the finance manager of a large Chevrolet dealership I can agree with them on a certain level. It is not worth doing business with a customer if it is not profitable for the company. We have the same type of people in our business. They scour leader ads and bring in ads from other dealers trying to buy a vehicle for nothing or even less. As an industry on the other hand we have done this to ourself. By advertising price matching and leader ads we are asking for these people to come in and take advantage of it. Who wouldn't? I am not a big fan of the ol price match guarantee because it is basically saying, "If you don't do your homework we're going to screw you". I believe every business needs to make a profit but we also need to be fair with our customers as well. If you treat every customer fairly they will all come back to you and you will profit more in the long run. JMTC