I really don't have any extra space on the back wall to hang a extra set of M80ti! I think I have enough for the rear area. I love my Denon 3803 I have had it for about 2 years also the Denon 2900 is one heck of a DVD/DVD-A/SACD player. As far as a remote goes it's next on my list. Oh by the way I have a set of M3ti for my Tube Amp in my computer room and I love them too! my last set of speakers I ordered just before the price increase was the M22ti so when I get them I will be pretty Axiomed out if that is possible.

Axiom M80Ti(4) Axiom VP150(1) Axiom Qs8(4) Axiom M22ti(2) Axiom M3ti(2)