Well Lee, we have at least 3 things in common. Age, QS8s, and the very same clock.

The owner of the health club, where I used to work out, had a large white bird that I think was a Cockatoo (don't hold me to that, but that's what I think it was). I never could understand why people would want a bird for a pet. Well that bird (named Snow) taught me a lesson.

I got in the habit of taking her out of her cage, and I'd slide my fingers up under her feathers and stroke her head, her neck, her back, her wings. And that silly bird acted just like a dog. She'd nuzzle me, and snuggle up to me, and if I went somewhere off the spot she wanted scratched she reach out her claw and guide my hand to the right spot, or duck her head under my hand to get it properly positioned. (I've found this same technique works, with similar results, on some women too )

She was a sweet, affectionate creature, and I fell in love with her. I was very pleasantly surprised.

Is Dandy anything like this?


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton