I just purchased a Samsung 46" DLP monitor that will be delivered Tuesday. I still have an opportunity to get the service contract if I wish. I should note that this was an internet order (Circuit City) and I have not seen a copy of the specific warranty yet, to know of such details as to whether or not it covers lamp replacement, etc. It's $499 for 4 years.

I'm one of those people who never get the extended warranty, but I'm unsure in this case. I've researched this monitor and its competition for a long time, and I'm satisfied that this was the monitor I preferred. When I look at the user reviews, though, I see that some people have had some issues with it… as others have had with other monitors as well.

I realize that there can't be any definitive answers as I don't have any specifics about the warranty, but I'd like to ask in general terms:

Are DLPs one of those semi-problematic items that just may warrant a warranty?

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::