This was my previous setup to having the Axioms.

Because of the limited wall space (a little over 8'), I never really looked at anything larger than a 50" model....and was considering that to be somewhat large for the upper limit. (I did want to include 50" models, though, because there were so many of them and in case I came across a great deal). That's probably why I'm not familiar with your model. It was the same situation with the JVCs as well. The Mitsubishi DOES have a great picture. I know that even besides size, I initially would have dismissed it because of it's reflective screen… though I later heard it was removable (I don't have a room that I can make completely dark and reflections of windows have always been an issue with my existing 32" Sony). I know what you mean about "breathing room"; in my smallish 13' x 13' living room, avoiding the "cramped" look is important to me!

With the rule of thumb being "proper seating distance is 2.5X your diagonal screen size", the Samsung will actually be exactly that in my room. Because of it falling within those guidelines, I wasn't really concerned that the screen size would be too big for the material or seating distance.

What I was (am?) concerned with was whether or not it will look ostentatious or "showy" for that room. I haven't bought a TV stand yet for that reason as I want to experiment with different heights for the monitor both for viewing preference but also knowing that the monitor won't be quite so overwhelming if placed a little lower. Despite all that, I know that there is a relatively narrow vertical viewing angle. I think, all things considered, that I'm going to end up building a stand and roughed out this design yesterday to show my wife what I had in mind:

It would be Beech with an inlaid-style textured black Formica surface on the horizontal surfaces to match my Beech M60s and their black grills. The other obvious alternative would be to get the matching Bell'o piece to my audio rack but, thanks to a great suggestion here (Spiffnme if I remember right?) I think I'm going to end up putting the rack into the closet on the left (with the door off so it just looks "inset").

The idea would be to have only the monitor and the M60s on that wall…(maybe the matching Beech Axiom sub too if that location sounds good). I think it will have a nice, clean look when it's all done!

At least I hope so!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::