Spiff - Did a search on google and there were a few people on a forum that stated that they had successfully done this using the mini-to-coax adapter. However, depending on your budget, don't be in a rush to buy the more expensive card. I cannot speak to quality differences between the two cards, but I can tell you that I am presently using an 4.1 card w/ a toslink connection that was not a high-end card when I bought it. This card passes a Dolby Digital signal just fine. Bear in mind, when you use the digital out and have the card set to output SPDIF, it's passing the digital audio stream straight out to the receiver. I'm not saying that you should find a 4.1 card. I'm just letting you know that the sound card isn't doing much of anything when you're dealing with digital output.

Caveat: There are arguments over at the AVS forums about this very issue. Many invest big bucks in sweet cards and swear that the sound is superior. Others believe that it is a simple pass-through.

Good Luck