I personally think that's very fair.

We have an outstanding little community here that costs us users nothing. Respecting our hosts wishes are understandable, especially when they HAVE been so open about discussions of competitors' products.

I had an issue several years ago with a professional video organization I belong to that hosts a BBS section as well. They would not allow ANY mention of their organization unless it was completely and totally positive. They wouldn't allow links because they wanted the stickiness of their site. You couldn't tell someone to go to Sony.com. You would have to post that they should go to a well-known Japanese manufacturers' site that contained four letters and sound reminescent of that old "Mony, Mony" song. I'm dead serious about this. I once was a writer for their magazine, involved in their annual Expo, and representative from my State to the organization. I still belong to the organization for the great group insurance and credit card acceptance rates, but won't go near their website.

I, for on, would like to thank Amie and Ian for hosting us and will certainly respect their reasonable wishes!

EDITED: Actually, to add just one small comment in the interest of being truthful: I meant every word I said above and would never want to do anything that would in any way offend our hosts, but it IS a little bit of a shame that we can't sell used equipment here (even if not speakers).

The only reason I say that is, (without trying to sound too sappy here), I really enjoy being a part of this forum. It's a much, much more close-knit community than any other HT/Audio forums I'm familiar with. I belong to others, but don't visit those sites more than once a week just to see if there any major announcements, etc. Because THIS is the forum that I feel most "at home" in, and these are the people I most feel are "like a familiy", I would be MUCH, MUCH more comfortable buying or selling among these friends than in some other forum.

I don't have anything to sell, and no purchases planned in the near future, so there's no hidden agenda here. My only point is that if I DID want to pick up a piece of used equipment or sell some unneeded audio item, I'd first try to do so among my friends here.

Last edited by MarkSJohnson; 12/21/04 07:21 PM.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::