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Having said that I bet Axiom wouldn't have a problem with anyone posting that they have something available on another site such as E-Bay or Audiogon....(???)

I dunno. That's a good question.

Yes, I certainly don't blame I said, I'm thankful for the forum at all.

I guess it's just a shame that everyone (myself included; I make these types of decisions too in my business) always has to tread so carefully because of a (potential) few bad apples.

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Congrads on your graduation to Addict

Thanks! I see that you're right behind me. No one ever answered my question as to whether or not we get a free sub or anything!!?? (Watch me get a Blimpie coupon in the mail!!)

Last edited by MarkSJohnson; 12/21/04 08:07 PM.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::