
I think your room will be large enough. I have M80s powered by (you guessed it) a C370. I have the speakers about 9 feet apart, 1.5 feet from back wall, and I sit about 8-10 feet from the speakers, depending if I lean forward or backwards. My ears tells me that's plenty sufficient. I USED to have the speakers about 10 feet apart, playing in a room 25 feet deep, and I sit about 10-12 feet away from the speakers, and I feel I am sitting in front and away from the soundstage instead of almost sitting in it (front row seats vs 10 rows back)

The amp is more than enough -- I have a Bryston 3B which has similar specs and the NAD plays much louder. Bi-wiring adds a bit more air, but now I just use 2 runs of 12 ga Cu wire (~9 ga) instead.

Let me know if you have any more Qs on this setup. I'd invite you over for a listen but a return ticket may be a bit expensive