Well, I feel like I should chime in on this cold weather bashing that's going on here.

I, for whatever unknown reason, really don't mind the cold. In fact, I'm glad that for several months out of the year we have it. Seasons are nice. I like spring and fall, but both are short lived. Summer and winter both are nice at first, and then get old after a while. I mean, without winter and snow, how can one go snowboarding? And in the winter you can just put on more clothes to be warm. Really, even in sub-zero weather, if you have the right layers you can be perfectly comfortable for extended periods outside. In the summer, when the temperature is 98, you can only take off so much without breaking the law. (And even buck naked, it's still too hot sometimes.)

So...Here in Boston it's 11 (-7 with wind chill) right now, and I don't think it's too terrible.

[black]-"The further we go and older we grow, the more we know, the less we show."[/black]