Thanks for the link/revelation, spiff. Looks like just the answer to my prayer, almost (missing SACD/HDMI). Throw in a wireless module to retrieve and play my MP3 collection, and I'll be in heaven. Wait, can it walk my dog too?

Nice to know I am not the only one with this burning wish.

The Rotel marketing pitch is not really music to my ears though. I don't care about space savings. The real advantages of making such combo are:

- savings in chassis, decoders, power supply, power cord, remote control, etc.
- ease of calibration and bass management
- getting rid of the remote's multi-channel toggle problem
- getting rid of superfluousness such as D-link
- putting Monster Cables Co. out of business. This is my favorite one. There will be only two cables: a subwoofer cable to my PB10, and an HDMI cable to my TV. Have you ever felt the urge to puke seeing $100 THX-certified, ultimate-performance, diamond-encrusted, assembled-by-virgins audio-interconnects at your local Best Buy?

Now that's Occam's razor to me. I agree with everything Mark said about acceptance barriers, but if more people knew about that famous razor ...

M60 + QS8 + SVS PB10 + Yamaha HTR-5640 + Pioneer 578a