Thanks for the quick replies.

I believe it is decided now M60, VP100, QS8, and in the near future a sub. If I was looking at spending more than 1000 I'd go with the EP500 or 600. I'm thinking more along the lines of 550-650 though, which leans me towards a HSU VTF2 or the SVS 20-39PCi. However, I do prefer the looks of the Axiom... I'll save that mental exercise for a week or two.

I do intend to wait on a little feedback from a few special ladies. No wife yet, so any womanly advice has to be given by consensus. So I'll know about the color soon, but the polls suggest Black is the winner, and they know what a lot of my other furniture is like... Also, that picture is a good bit lighter than in person.

I do have plans to limit the sun behind the TV. Actually the boxes of blinds are sitting next to it in one of those pics.

I'll be sure to take some more shots once all is setup. I will definitely be hanging around the forums as well.

Thanks again!