Wow, too many numbers. Here's my take on it :

The original post say "44.1 KHz sampling, rule of thumb is 128 times sampling or 5.6 MHz". No idea where the rule of thumb came from, haven't read the links yet.

Bren properly objected to what seemed like "funny science". It's that 128 multiplier that makes it possibly valid though...

The bit rate for a stereo CD signal (would be 44.1 KHz x 16 bits/sample x 2 channels, or 1.41 Mb/s. That is a raw digital bitstream (I think there is some encoding but not sure) so let's say we need frequencies up to the 5th harmonic to get a recognizeable signal at the other end, so minumum bandwidth required is about 7 MHz (a bit higher than the rule of thumb indicated).

5th harmonic is a bit low for a good square wave -- my guess is that the rule of thumb takes that into account, so I think the intended application was 44.1 KHz x 128 x 2 channels, or about 11 MHz bandwidth required.

This all assumes that the 1.411 Mb/s bitstream is sent at the lowest possible bitrate, ie that a higher bitrate is used for HDCD etc -- I think this is true but not 100%.

Anyways, it's that "128 times sampling rate rule of thumb" which makes the numbers reasonable.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8