The Pioneer Elite is a pretty solid DVD player. It is not like it is a Samsung $45 walmart special or anything. Yes, you will notice a difference with a new DVD player, such as the Denon 2910 or 2900, which are not as expensive as the 3910.

However, as has been said, getting great floorstanding speakers, such as the M60's, will make your system sound much better.

Understand, however, that you may be experiencing "upgradeitis", which is the phenomenon where you constantly think your system could sound a little better if you bought a new product. I just finally bought a Denon 2910 after years of needing a new DVD player (old one had problems). In that case a new DVD player was necessary. The DVD player improved my sound quite a bit, but of course now I am wondering if a new sub would improve my sound even more. I just dont get that deep gut thumping bass everyone talks about when Darla pounds on the glass.