Plenty of great answers here to help you make your decision.
One thing that I did not see mentioned though was how far away from the wall you would be able to place the 80s.
They seem to be, (ONLY from what I have read), somewhat more placement finicky than the 60s.
That was the deciding factor for the Axiom crew while they trying to help me decide between the 80s and 60s.
When I told them that I just could not have the speakers pulled out further than 8 or 9 inches from the wall they immediately defaulted to the 60s.
That might not affect your decision, but I remember it being a big deal when I was trying to decide.

Axioms; For when you've just Gotta have More Cowbell! 60s 150 350 8s 2is RX-V2500 DVD-C750 2900