Ok guys upgradeitis has crept back in again and I need some input from all the experts. I know this isn't really an Axiom question but I am a certified "Axiomite" and would like your input. I am the proud owner of an SVS 20-39 PC+ for about a year and a half and have it matched up with Axiom M60’s, a VP150 and three QS8’s all powered by an Onkyo 601. I have been very pleased with the overall performance of everything since it’s all been in place but after reading some of the reviews and comments about the SVS PB12-Plus/2 I have been bouncing around the idea about upgrading to it and selling my 20-39. My room size is 20x20 with a vaulted ceiling from 8 to 13 feet with only one opening to another room. The 20-39 has had NO problem performing up to my expectations but as you know what I am up against – wondering what would the PB12-Plus/2 offer over my existing 20-39? My movies/music ratio are 50/50 and from what I am reading the PB12-Plus/2 covers both areas nicely. I have read that many 20-39 owners have moved up to the PB12-Plus/2 and have felt it was money well spent. I LOVE the low end that my 20-39 gives me now and can only imagine what the PB12-Plus/2 would add. I bought my Axioms and the 20-39 solely based on users input without even hearing one and figure this one will be the same. I trust everyone’s knowledge on this board and look forward to your thoughts..
