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Can you also play a 5.1 or 6.1 source in 7.1?

The AVR-4802 has several DSP settings that can accomplish this.

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My final version was four Q's, but I wonder sometimes... If we oooonly had enought 'free' funds laying around, oh the possibilities..

Isn't that the truth? I'd have loved to buy a couple VP150's, a couple M2's, a couple Q's, etc and tried them all. Sadly, I wasn't willing to pay for the return shipping. I'm happy with the results though!

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I knew Semi would be the first one to reach a 10.1 system.

Only 3 speakers left to go Semi....

SHUT UP CHESS!!! Stop tempting me, please.

Thankfully, a 10.2 receiver is still non-existant and the systems I've seen have used a full computer for the processing. That will keep it out of my reach for some time.