
That will be the next buy, but don't know how big. 200 wpc at 8, 300 at 4. Those numbers will work well with my new M80ti's.

I'm very pleased with 3805 component switching since I can only connect to my Sony plasma with component. The new 4086 has DVI or HDMI but I'm not sure. Outlaw's new 990 has DVI. The new models for 2005 releasing this spring and summer should have the newer video connections. What you need will depend on you video unit.

I'm leaning towards Outlaws monoblocks because I can start with 2 or 3 and add more later. Emotiva, as indicated in an earlier post, is going to sell the chassis and 2 blocks for apx 1099 and extra blocks for 249. Outlaws 3 block special is 857 with free freight.

I agree that a less expensive receiver like my refurb is a good start in a ever changing market.

You can spend all night reading the forums about products. I spend time at Outlaw's, Av123's, S&V's and other forums. A lot of great stuff.

When I buy, it will be on the internet and will be from an outfit with a return policy. After trying the 60's and moving up to the 80's, I'm really pleased. I would have paid the freight to send the 60's back. It was nice for them to send prepaid labels since I traded up.