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Is my receiver (RCA STAV-3880 100Watts/channel, and 5 channels) enough to power these?

It's enough power. The only concern is that the receiver's internal protection circuitry may trip as it is a 4 Ohm speaker. Check your manual or call the manufacturer.

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Also, the room I will be using these in is medium sized: roughly 14x18. Is this size right for these speakers (I am kind of a newbie at home theater).

To be honest, they do like a little room to play. I don't think they'd sound bad, per se, but maybe a bit over kill in a room so small. Then again, you don't plan on living there for long. I'd personally buy what you want as you will indeed have the chance to plan for a larger room in the future.

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What surrounds match best with these speakers?


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Would you recommend a center channel, or do the m80s create a good soundstage on their own?

The lion's share of the movie exists on the center speaker. While phantom speaker setups work, they don't lock the dialogue to the screen well, in most cases, for me.