If you do a search you will find several people have commented on Axiom / Paradigm comparisons but I don't think there have been any definitive comparisons yet. [EDIT] Sounds like craigsub is going to fix that

One of my friends was looking at Paradigms; started with Monitor 3s, ended up looking at Monitor 7s. Liked the sound until he listened to Studio 40s (the same speaker in the Reference line) at the same store -- the Monitors sounded pretty muddy by comparison.

I was looking forward to him getting the Studios (even Studio 20s would have been pretty good) so we could A/B but he ended up ordering Axiom M22s and hasn't looked back.

Dang, no chance to compare 'em ;(

If you are running without a sub the Paradigms do put out more bass than the corresponding Axioms. [EDIT] As Alan points out, this isn't always a good thing.

Paradigm does make some real nice speakers, for sure, but it does seem like you have to go to the Studio models to get the same kind of clarity as the Axioms have.

Last edited by bridgman; 06/19/05 02:06 PM.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8