I promised I wasn't gonna get in this debate. That being said I will put my DUAL 52" SVS ultra's with their monster powered Crown amp, against anything out there, anything. I think we just have to realize there are "several" great subs out there, and now Axiom is ONE of them, congrats for that - Axiom! This is coming from someone that owns FIVE pairs of em, 3 m-3, 1 m-60, 1 m-22 and a 150cc, (wow - how many drivers is that?) That also being said I keep pondering the 3.6 maggies for the main room. I can't forget their sound, but bringing the HT planer sound into all the other speakers is difficult to swallow.

Sunfire amps & processor Sammy 50" Crown amp 2-SVS SS Maple Ultras, Axiom 60s,22s,150cc, QS8s