You might be a lawyer trying a logical argument, but in the world of science, personal experience means nothing.
If scientists only ever believed their own personal experience before accepting a theory, science would never be where it is at today. I can't even imagine trying to reproduce work done by Einstein, but some people have. Most have reviewed his theories and found no real flaws in his data and hence accepted his theories.
Such is the way of science.
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If you say I have CD Player X, hooked it up to system N, and it sounded better than CD Player Y, I'd believe you

You shoudln't. Ever.
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If you said, I listened to it, and found CD(Y) to have loose blowsy bass, reedy mids and upleasant highs, I'd know what you're talking about and wouldn't doubt you.

Again, you shouldn't believe me at all. You should believe your own ears. Not my subjective opinion.
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If you tell me, CD(X) can't be better than CD(Y) because all the wise men who have tested them and reported in magazines CD(Y) is better, then I'd say, "what do you know."

We are not talking about some magazine written by Joe Blow who has been a self professed audiophile for 20 years.
We are talking about journal papers, with real numbers. Studies done on real people who have ears the same as the rest of the world. Those numbers show that people cannot tell the difference between different brands of wire (assume same gauge and core material).

The suggestion you make about personal experience of CDPx vs CDPy is based on SUBJECTIVE opinion, biased by whatever biases our minds carry from minute to minute, day to day.
Do they sound different?
A blind test with more than just you and it would certainly give us an easy answer to such a question.
In the meantime, we can use our own ears to decide if there is a difference, but if you can accept the fact you know details like price, brand, etc., then you have to accept the fact what you are hearing is NOT an objective measurement.
Of course we would like to think it is, but it simply is not. As a lawyer you should know that of the most objective people we have in society today, judges, even have certain biases about rulings (some judges easier on deadbeat husbands or first time offenders, etc.).

The tests about speaker wire that i know about are not MY personal experience, but they are another scientist's personal experience coupled with data as tested in the most UNBIASED manner possible.
THAT is why i believe those journal papers over someone's 'opinion' in regards to cable influences.
There is nothing to doubt here, electronically or by human hearing standards.

As for my personal experience, i believe i talked about this quite a long time ago and i think it was in a personal post to someone. Lets see how much my opinion is taken as fact here.
I have heard 3 types of cables before, years ago on a roomates system (Dynaudio speakers, Pioneer receiver, Yamaha cdp) when he was trying to find 'better' cables for his system. He asked my opinion (one set of Nordost vs Audioquest vs generic if i remember correctly) and after hearing the three i gave him my choice. I didn't know prices but i liked the looks of them. I don't ever remember hearing any differences but the fact that i chose the ones that looked good is a bias. The fact that i did not hear any significant difference to choose one set over another again only shows that if there is actually any difference at all, it is so incredibly miniscule that it is no where near worthy of the verbose and exaggerated reviews that cables get today.

To put things in a completely different perspective, if a $100,000 microphone and listening system cannot measure any differences in signals or frequencies between cable brands, how is it that people continue to believe their $2000 Axiom system and $1000 receiver can pick it out?
I know the Axioms are very detailed but really....

On an off topic, where did you ever come across those Merak speakers? ebay only now? Still in RS?
I have a friend locally who was asking (something very within his price range).

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."