I've never posted a legal opinion, I joined this board because I own and enjoy Axiom products. I don't know or care what you all do for a living, so why don't we just focus on why we're all here, to talk about sound reproduction, and Axiom speakers.

I have no understanding of how wires and electrons really interact. I suspect that you all have no idea either.

You could analogize, does water care what different pipes of the same diameter are made of? But, wires are not pipes and copper is not air, and electrons are not water.

So, we hear, "trust your own ears," but also the criticism that reliance on such experience is worthless and subjective.

What I was saying is that I do trust my ears, and what I hear. I also said that I would trust your report as to what you hear to be an honest report, no more.

I hear a difference between the Mapleshade Clearview Golden Helix speaker wire connected to my center channel speaker relative to the Radio Shack speaker wire I used before.

My 10 year old JVC 6 disc changer sounded MUCH better than a Cambridge Audio D500SE which I had for a short while.

Just because I have no explanation for these perceived differences, I won't discount my experience.

Get a set of Mapleshade speaker wires or interconnects, try them yourselves, listen and let us know whether your subjective listening tests reveals any difference in sound. There's a 30 day money back guaranty.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.