Expounding on your lawyer theme, my DA friend told me that it is common knowledge among jurists that eye-witness testimony is the least reliable type of evidence (most likely to be inaccurate) yet is the most persuasive with juries. You can't always trust your senses, much less those of someone else (I can't believe I ordered M60s without ever hearing them).

Similarly, our perceptions of sound quality are tainted by preconceptions about speaker wire. If two wires both have copper strands amounting to the same length and the same thickness, HOW could there be a difference in sound quality?

The wires do not create the signal nor do they reproduce it. They are like the air around us - it carries sound waves but doesn't produce them. It carries sound waves but doesn't register them. Does the air anywhere in the world affect the quality of the sound waves which it transmits? Air is air - copper is copper.