Forever Newbie,

If you have the space for the m60 or better yet a m80 (to match your m80's as fronts) for the center then by all means you should get one. It is only about a $100 premium for the m60 and a $200 premium for the m80 which should be more than worth it. The only reason that most people don't do it is because it is difficult to fit a tower in the center position. Heck I would have a hard to putting an m2 in the center position, which is why I went with a vp150 for the center. Even with a dedicated home theater room and a projector screen I would have a hard time going with a tower in the center position since it would put the screen up too high for me. I would get a stiff neck watching a screen that high. But, I don't think anyone can argue that a vp150 would be better than a m60 or m80 as a center.

- Nick