more "terminologically" correct than that "u" word."

Not necessarily. Question. Is there any circumstance where, in your mind, "changing" from one speaker to another could possibly be an "upgrade"? What if you paid $100 for a speaker that you found more sonically pleasing than your current $200 speaker? Is that an upgrade? If so, then the word "upgrade has a valid use.

I understand what you are objecting to, but, as is the case with most "politically correct" terminology, it becomes tyrannical in it's application. All too often the term upgrade is used, as you object to, to imply more expensive is more better. That is a misuse of the word. But, if a person obtains a new speaker that he/she feels is "better." for whatever reason, then, in his/her opinion it is, and can be correctly termed, an UPGRADE. So, in that context I will continue to, as accurately as possible, use the word "upgrade" when I feel it is appropriate. I will not allow you to "politically correct" me out of my right to use the English language in a reasonable manner. You are also free to do as you please. END OF RANT!

Apologies for hijacking the thread, but I just asked if he was happy. He started the dissertation.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton