Originally Posted By: nickbuol
I think that if we just have a government that was more about things being affordable and really about caring for its people that we wouldn't have all this crappiness (ALL political parties included).

Immigration: Do some background check, make 'em legal.
Taxes: Charge everyone the same % and get rid of loopholes.
Healthcare: Help people get regular medical care that they need as long as they are citizens and give true emergency care because the person is human (only requirement).
Smacktards: If a politician does something that is just stupid, fire them. (This also applies if they do nothing productive.)
Cookies: Everyone needs a cookie from time to time, but don't make some political big deal out of what type of cookie we should get. We don't need to be micromanaged by our government or our cookies.

Of course, this may spark some political firestorm, but please note that I am just trying to be light hearted about this. I just get tired of everyone "spinning" (lying) to make themselves seem better than the other group. Or making up stupid laws for P.R., or manipulating the system that they are supposed to make better, just because they can. This has gone on for so long and will only get worse with each presidency and elected person to the house or senate. It is like we've fallen back to some childish group of kids trying to play "king of the mountain." Climb to the top, shoving everyone else out of your way. Why not help others to climb the mountain with you? I guess that isn't how politics works any more.

Well said, Nick. That's not how politics or business works. You need to maximize your short-term gains without really considering much beyond the next year or two.

Society, the "system", Ayn Rand, etc. encourage us to be completely selfish, and many of our most basic instincts tell us to be, as well. It takes effort not to be.