
Can you explain how I should discuss A/V topics then because apparently you don't approve of how I bring up these subjects. I should be a conformist correct? Because the nail that sticks out the furthest and has a different point of view always gets hit first.

I never thought that an A/V forum would be used as a blog. Your right i'm a sinner and i'm not perfect as is humanity. Please continue explaining how I should behave correctly as no one here has shown me any compassion or welcomed me. And as such I post according to the atmosphere in which I was welcomed, which has been hostile at best when first bringing into discussion how the Industry Standards for mounting surrounds is to place them 2' or more above the listener. To which I was bombarded with bullying for sticking so closely to the standards. Aren't we all trying to achieve perfection in our Systems?

People have judged me before even getting to know me or even attempt a polite conversation.

Let he without sin cast the first stone.

Last edited by AlaskanAVGuy; 04/12/14 12:05 AM.

The Teacher is in: Trust but Verify