Originally Posted By: BobKay
Originally Posted By: AlaskanAVGuy
Actually Alaska isn't the 3-hour sunshine state it has more Sun during the summer than any other state in America. If your from Canada I would think you would have heard of this phenomenon.
Which is why in the Summer we have the Midnight Sun Run because of so many hours of sun, I think our peak here is around 22hours of sunlight at the Summer Solstice and the winter solstice has only 2 hrs of Sunlight.

So it depends on the time of year. The only place that gets more or less sun is the North and South poles.

Enjoy the gossip as it makes me laugh that you make me the topic of discussion on an A/V Forum

Cheers friends

No, you did that yourself.

BTW, teach, thanks for the info on the seasonal consequences of the earth rotating off axis. Miss Marsh was wasting her time in the 6th grade, since I could have waited until now to learn that.

This forum site is not like most others, A/V or otherwise. It is a true community. There are lots of people on this site who have met each other in the flesh, see each other from time to time over great distances, or found out that they live 3 miles from each other. Each has pretty much the same story; they first came here for info and advice and found out that there was also some fun to be had. OK, some people aren't much fun, but they NEED us, so we gladly let them stay.

We are not exclusionary. We look forward to new members, whether they are here to discuss A/V, stereo, music, movies ,chainsaws, mandolines, beers, or just to remind us that tomorrow is "National Roast Beef Day." Most engage in a bit of everything. Look at the "1st became a member" dates and you'll see how long some of these folks have known each other---lots with almost daily contact here for years.

Remember, it is very human for any "community" to circle the wagons when challenged. You also must remember that virtually each wagon is emblazoned with an Axiom logo.

So don't forget the "fun" part and hang looser (that's no comma and two 'o' s, right?). Of course, if you're way more amusing and informative laced up tighter than a trussed roast, go for it.

Look, I am not one bit a better or more likable guy than you, inherently. It's just that I already tried pedantry here a long time ago and it just doesn't work. These people would much rather be crapped on in a directly personal way (who knew?) and you've got to stay around a while and do a lot of back-post reading for the personal information necessary to accomplish that. THAT's how you get to remain mostly welcome here AND still be an asshole. Take a lesson.

Would that I were HALF as perspicacious and articulate, Bob.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton