There are certainly a couple of bad apples there forcing their opinions down the throats of others with so called "facts" which are nothing more then nonsense.

The sad reality is that the internet and its opinions can highly effect the success of a company.Companies like Apple have this figured out and rely on it. Where would Apple be without its marketing and success in brain washing their iSheep.

Take SVS. Over at avs they can do no wrong. When I got my pb-2000 and it did not perform as I had hoped it would, the svs crowd blamed everything but the sub. They got more people over there defending them and promoting them that SVS doesn't really need to do marketing themselves.

Now SVS makes a decent product, I am not trying to pick on them. They stepped up and we worked something out and I kept the sub. But they are a perfect example of how AVS has helped them succeed.

Axiom doesn't promote itself enough. I am not sure why. But seeing these two or three jerks over at avs spread their self proclaimed expert advice just infuriates me.

EP500/800/HSU VTF3/SVS PB2k/SB2k/SB-12