I understand your frustration. I feel it too (I'm a Viet Nam vet). Whether you are right or wrong, my only criticism is that this is not the proper forum for this kind of discussion. We are brought together by a common interests and goals; i.e. to learn about audio (and video), and pass along that knowledge in an effort to help one another, while having some fun.

We have people here from different countries, different cultures, and different political persuasions, and we have to (or, at least, ought to) go out of our way to avoid stepping on each other's toes. I loathe the concept of "political correctness," but heartily subscribe to the concepts of courtesy and tact.

I'm also a great believer in the concept of "there's a time and a place." While I would agree that this is the time, in my opinion, this is NOT the place.

Hang in there. I know what you feel.



"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton