I don't have much to add here.
At risk of being called simple-minded... it is simply US vs THEM. And that is of their determination.

It does not matter that some (many, most, whatever) of the people in those countries intend us no harm - and would probably even embrace many aspects of Western culture if given a chance - those people are powerless and fearful in their own countries. Fanatic Shiites are the people who are gaining power. Those are the people who most definitely intend us harm. They do not share your modern, cultural-relativist view. They do not share your vision of a peaceful, prosperous world where all human life is respected. They are dangerous folks and there are lots of them.

Remember back to 9-11: the "Arab street" was celebrating en masse the killing of innocent civilians. America "needed" that to happen, they said. We are not talking about an isolated, small group of terrorists who wish us ill, but whole populations who would rejoice in the destruction of the United States.

They use brutal tactics, defy military convention, commit atrocity after atrocity, and then cry to the liberal int'l media that they are the poor victims.

I've seen enough.