EOT= End of Topic (I think Tim's going to get Axioms anyway?)

HOWEVER :) , I am glad that you acknowledge that the Chinese speakers are all very similar. As for the Brit mags, GREAT! But, they haven't reviewed Axioms or ? I will grant you they do have decent reviews in those mags- and they also acknowledge the fact that they are chinese speakers. Ask yourself this- with similar Wdales on ubid selling for HUGE percentages off, (list price $1100, sells for $100 each?!! _C'mon) which speaker is the better deal when it comes right down to it. If you can sell a speaker for $100 when the list is $1100, and you STILL make profit, what does that tell you of the quality of the item?

We just have to agree to disagree about the MADE IN CHINA speakers, I guess. If you want the Wdales or Swans, more power to you...that's what freedom of choice is all about! EOT again, at least for me.