I'm always baffled by comments like: "Yamaha is
good for HT but ive heard (and I really have heard) they sound like ass for music"-freesey.
How can something sound good for HT but not good for music or vice versa? I'm just curious because I think my h/k AVR520 does an excellent job on BOTH. I'd be a little upset if it lacked in either department. I hear Denon and Yamaha are good for HT and Marantz, NAD and h/k are good for music. Unless you ONLY listen to music OR HT, why would you buy something that's only good for one "thing"?
I know this is off-topic, but I'm really curious to hear opinions on this matter.
PS I'm quoting you, freesey, but it's nothing personal and this is not an attack on you. You just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Big L