"Didn't you have the very real prospect of moving your setup to a new, larger room in the future?"

Yes, I did.

I didn't bring that up this time because I thought that if the two subs are very close in performance, in EITHER case I'd probably add a second sub in that larger room down the road. Only if the 350 were rasonably or substantially more powerful could I likly avert that situation... and whether or not the sub was apprecibly more powerful was kinda the question in the first place!

I was trying to keep the question simple. I'm afraid that I'll become known as "Long Post Mark" if I don't start keeping my posts in these forums to under 5,000 words.

Hey, now that I think of it, it wouldn't be a HORRIBLE nickname to have!!??!!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::