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No, I think the way to go is to send the little one to live with an Aunt and Uncle, have them tell your little one that you’ve been killed, adopt a Cambodian daughter (long hair a must if you are going to tie them up in those buns), then give her away to some politician somewhere, don a black suit, cape, and helmet and take over the Universe…errr…World! The last, and most important, step is to wait 15 years or so and ask your son to join you in Ruling the Galaxy…err…World together as father and son. If he says “No”, you’re golden. Stop right there and let him know that this, THIS is what made Star Wars so great.” If he says “Yes”, slam the helmet down and say, “No, No, NO, you are supposed to say NO! You mess everything up! Go to your room.” Either way, he’ll have an unforgettable Star Wars experience.


Leave the gun, Take the canolis.