51 huh? I remember back when I was 51: that's when I realized that the light at the other end of the tunnel was.........that uncoming train!!

It really started picking up for me at about 55!

The time went by even faster, followed by the teeth, the hair, the heart, you know, stuff like that.

But not other things, not yet!(I'm half Italian, the wife is still )

My ears still work fine too(other than when I take my heart medication and get chemically induced tinitus, so I have a choice......)

But there is a bright side:........

The nervous system.....

It fails too, so that things that normally cause pain aren't quite as bad!!!

See, things aren't quite as bad as they seem, I'm sure you'll be able to retire soon and enjoy your "Golden Years"! And if you're really lucky, perhaps one of your kids may give you a few Grandkids to raise, just to keep you from getting bored!!

Life IS good!