My apologies, Ken. You are NOT a cad. You're just justifiably tired of your generation being blamed for things. The truth is, life is a continuum. IF you're generation screws things up, it will be because, the generation before you did something wrong. And If they did something wrong, it's because my generation failed them in some way.

When I was only a little younger than you, I honestly believed that in my lifetime MY generation was going to end poverty, and reduce crime to the point of insignificance. Whoops! Wrong again! The sad truth is that, in some way, every generation fails the ones who follow, and, ironically, consider their lives to be infinitely better than those of younger generations.

My brother and sister are a half generation older than I (7 to 10 years or so). The think the 50s were perfect, and they hated the 60s. Being a child of the 60s (kinda), I try to get them to understand that if the 50s were perfect, the 60s wouldn't have happened. The 60s were a rebellion against the inequities, and failures of the 50s. So if they hate the 60s, blame the 50s for it. They don't see it that way.

Sorry. I'll get off my soapbox. Wrong place.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton