Here's the link to 60 vs 80 - IMHO.

I am NOT knocking the 60's. Quite the contrary.

My listening area is 15 x 13.5 x 8. The 80s are on the 15 wall, 12 feet apart. My chair 10 feet in front.

The 60s were adequate for my room and they WILL be for yours. For the difference in the money, it was an easy choice to move up to their top of the line speaker.

I think you get more detail from the extra tweeter and mid-woofer. Normally I don't listen to the 80s any louder than I did the 60s. I can also crank them up and listen out in the sunroom or in the kitchen.

I listen to CDs on the 80s without the sub. Great speakers.

But you have to understand, I have the bug. My EP500 my turn into a EP600. I love the deep rumbles of the 500 and wonder about the 600. There's just the bigger dollar difference.

I've heard better speakers than Axioms, BUT none that I wanted to spend $10,000 on. I don't plan any other changes in my audio system other than maybe the 600.

I am a happy camper.

Now if they would just get the HD thing worked out!!!!

Last edited by bugbitten; 07/28/05 06:04 PM.