Hey gang! I haven't been nearly as active in the last few months as I used to be, and a big reason for this is because I've been shopping for my first home. Thankfully, I found something that's been well-kept and suits my budget. I close September 6th and I'm really looking forward to moving in.

The one head-scratcher, though, is where the TV (27"), VP150 and M22s are going to go. My hope is that I could talk you guys into taking a look and making a few recommendations. I love the house (and I'm stuck with it now!), but the living room isn't exactly HT friendly.

Here's the layout in my current apartment so you can get a sense of how big the TV cabinet is:

Current apartment

...And here's a shot of the new living room:

New living room

A few points to consider:

  • I have no idea how much distance is represented by any of the three bars. I haven't moved in yet, or even done the inspection. Leave me alone.
  • If I end up placing the TV/M22s in the yellow area, I'm not sure how much
    room will be necessary to allow the front door to swing open.
  • The width of the room is either 14 or 14.5ft (can't remember).

As always, your assistance is appreciated.

M22ti mains, EP175 sub, VP150 center, QS4 surrounds