The most unfortunate fact that exists through this whole mess, and which is one of the primary reasons that so many families lost their lives along with their homes is the bad timing of the storm.

Many of the people in the US are not wealthy.

No, Really.

A lot of folks actually can't afford to fill up the gas tanks on their cars and make a run for safety when gas is twenty bucks for six gallons. Heck, many of them can barely afford to feed their kids and pay the rent and keep car insurance and replace car sensors every couple months cause our cars are now so frugal and clean that they get confused and won't run when a signal gets lost, and the gas milage drops to 6MPG.

So, here it is the end of the month, a storm is coming, the money has run out and there's barely enough gas in the car to get to work, let alone Texas.

The alternative is to ride it out....

......surfs up!!