In response to:

Poster: Haoleb
Subject: Re: Why do parents....

As far as the music..

Get your kids into country. So many good artists and songs and they rarely use an "harsh" language.

And on a different note i wouldnt be too worried about the stuff because i can just about guarantee that your kids are hearing that stuff in school if not talking like that themselves.
Yeah, but country music is so depressing (personal opinion here).

As for your other comment about kids hearing it elsewhere, you bet. I know that they do, but at what point does society say that it was time to get back to some level of moral living? Holy crap, did I just way that.... ARGH! I AM getting old.

As the father of two daughters, and maybe all fathers of daughters (not that fathers of sons can't be this way too), I am VERY concerned about what kids do these days. There is NO WAY any caring parent would just sit by and let the world raise their kids. The world, unfortunately, spends more time with my kids. In school, on TV, friends, activities, etc, vs. my couple of hours a day I get to "be around" my kids.

That is why I started this thread, is it that parents are just trying to be "cool" to their kids, or is it that they are so uninformed about things like "punk" (I know, GreenDay is mild compared to most) concerts? I would rather make sure that anything that I am taking my kids to or letting them go to is something that is PG at most (my oldest is 11, so she doesn't even watch PG-13). Maybe it is a futile effort, but why should it be. I grew up with very much an unrestricted youth. I had a couple of basic rules, but really was left to discover the world on my own. I never took up drinking (nope, you won't see me hanging out in the "Beer Thread"), never smoked anything. I went through a black period where I wore all black and so forth, my parents didn't do anything to stop me. I knew that swearing in the house was NOT allowed, although in high school I swore, I drove recklessly, and liked girls that were a bit "agressive"... I watched R rated movies when I was maybe 14 years old, etc, etc, etc. A lot of that held over into college as well. It took me a while to get out of that phase too. I honestly think that if I had held on to the way I used to dress, speak, act, etc, I would NOT be where I am today. While I am not the most successful person in the world, I know that I would be where some of my high school friends are. Stuck back in that small town of 2000 people, sitting at the bar getting wasted every weekend, making $12 an hour, living in a trailer home. I don't pitty them, they made that choice, and that lifestyle is fine if they want it, but I didn't.

I guess, that the main thing is that I want the best for my kids. They will make mistakes. Some will be bigger than others, but why SHOULDN'T I as a parent want to filter out as much crap as I can? Give them some time that they can put down their defenses such as not having to deal with peer pressure, or not having to worry about hearing, what to my kids know is, bad language... If even for an hour or two.

OK. This thread doesn't need to go on. I think that after all of my ramblings and other people's responses it is clear that some people don't care what their kids do (like my parents when I was growing up), and some go to extremes to prevent their kids from even interacting with society. I am floundering around somewhere in the middle I guess.

Farewell - June 4, 2020