Nope, your not allowed to use the same color...sorry, I'll burn your house down if you do!

Just playin. Paint away, I really don't care.

It's a two stage process.

First, I painted the ceiling using a flat paint. Color was called Moss green. Just roll it on, nothing special. Then I painted the screen wall the same.

Then I painted the other walls what is called Muslim. Almost an ivory in color. It's an eggshell type paint. Very durable, thick, and it doesn't mark at all when you touch it. Just roll the base coat on like you would paint any wall. I had to put 3 coats of this on as my walls were originally pink/purple from a previous owner with bad taste.

Now for the fun part. Honestly, it's not hard at all. You can test how to do it with a simple zip lock bag and a small piece of drywall to get the idea.

The top layer on the walls is also Moss Green. Same color as ceiling. But this time, for the walls you get eggshell again. Don't use flat or satin finiah on walls, it's crazy to take care of. Slightest touch of your hand on it and it will mark. You can't wash it either.

You take that moss green, and mix it with glaze. You'll use twice as much glaze as paint. Actually, you'll use very little paint at all believe it or not. You mix 2 parts glaze for every 1 part paint. ie, throw 2 cups of glaze in a bucket, then 1 cup of paint, mix it. Doesn't have to be perfectly accurate, dont' worry.

now, roll on the green over the ivory, only do a small area at first until you get the hang of it. Say the size of a garbage bag. Just a simple layer, doesn't have to perfect. Take a garbage bag, or some sort of plastic, clear plastic works good because you can see threw it, and stick it to the green paint you applied. Just rub your hands over the plastic, flatten it a bit, don't worry about wrinkles because that is what makes the lines. Then gently pull off plastic, and that is it. Start new section with a new piece of plastic

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